Frequently Asked Questions

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Ever wondered about sending messages to your loved ones even after you're gone? That's exactly what is all about! Through our mobile app you can create vibrant vaults filled with messages, images, audio, and videos – your personalized digital time capsules.

What’s A Vault?

Think of a Vault as your very own secure online time capsule. Inside, you stash all your meaningful documents, pictures, and recordings to be shared with someone special at a later time or place.

What are Posthumous vaults?

Scheduled to be released after you've died, posthumous (“post-life”) vaults can be time-based ("1 month after my passing") or event-triggered ("on the first Christmas after my departure").

How Will You Know When I Have Died?

Who lets us know when you've embarked on your next adventure? You appoint a custodian – a trusted friend or family member, ensuring your messages reach the right hands at the right time.

Can I Create Vaults That Are Delivered Before I Die?

Absolutely! Not just for posthumous use, can also be used to create vaults that open before your grand exit.

Is a Will?

While we're not a replacement for a will, adds a personal touch. Craft videos or audio messages to be played during the will reading, explaining your decisions with heart.

Are My Vaults Secret?

Your vaults remain locked and secret until the time you choose for the grand reveal. And if you appoint a custodian, they'll know the details who the Vault’s for and when it opens but not what you’ve stored inside.

Are My Vaults Secure?

Your vaults and their contents are for your the eyes of your chosen recipients only. Our encryption and server systems ensure your information is cocooned in privacy. Check out our Privacy Policy for more details.

Who Owns the Content of My Vaults?

We understand the significance of your data. The content within your vaults unequivocally belongs to you and your estate. You retain ultimate control over access, and, when the time is right, the ability to release your message. Your data, your story.

Can I Delete My Vaults?

We've designed our platform to give you control over your data. Through our user-friendly app, you have the power to delete your vaults whenever you decide. Your data, your choices.

What happens to my content if for any reason the business closes down?

In the event the business closes, you and any custodians you have appointed will have the opportunity to retrieve any content you have created.

Got Questions or Just Want to Chat?

Head over to our contact page – we're always here to help and hear from you!