Send messages to the future

Download the app (it’s free)

Create private time-capsules to be shared with friends and family at a future date and time.

Easy to Use

Use your mobile phone to create digital vaults, with videos, photos, documents, and audio recordings, to be delivered to your loved ones in the future.

Chose a time and place

Timing is everything. Choose when the time-capsules are shared - a future date and time, or after you die, on special days, like Christmas, or a birthday.

Add a delivery location

You can even choose where the person needs to be to receive the message - the place where you first met or perhaps somewhere they always wanted to visit.

Using the app is easy

What People Are Saying About

“It was such a beautiful surprise to get a message from my mother when my first child was born. To hear her voice again and to have her with us in spirit at such a special time made a good day even better.”

— Suzanne

“I was really grateful to dad for leaving me a copy of his will via And adding a personal video with a goodbye message was so beautiful and special.”

— Belinda

“I’ve made arrangements to care for my family financially after I’m gone. has made it possible for me to care for my family emotionally as well.”

— Carl

“I had been really missing Michael, so it was a wonderful surprise to get a message from him on our anniversary. And it was a typically thoughtful touch that I had to go to the cafe where we first met to receive the message.”

— Alex

Examples of Messages

Here’s a short explainer


“ allows us to extend our love beyond death - to pass on special memories,

to be present in spirit and voice at the milestones of the ones we leave behind,

to tie up the loose ends of our lives,

to say the things that need to be said,

and simply to say ‘goodbye’.”

Insights from our blog

The important places in our lives

Think of your childhood home or the street where you grew up. Chances are, just picturing that place in your mind brings a flood of memories rushing back. That's the magic of place in memory. Read the article

8 ways for sharing your legacy after you’ve died

A legacy is the impact we make on the world and the people around us, and it can be a way to continue to influence and inspire future generations. Here are a few ways to share your legacy. Read the article

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 (If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please know that you are not alone. Here are resources to help.)